Thursday, August 25, 2011

Take That, Self Esteem!

This one is short. As we arrived in Tennessee to visit family, it became apparent that the trade off for a pleasant and whine free drive was a visit filled, at least initially, with nothing but crying and fussing. However, the whining and fussing were reserved for the two people most excited to see her: the grandmothers. For some reason, as if the little one just new, she saved her most pitiful crying and shrieks of pain for Granny and Grammy, the two people most likely to be devastated by such behavior. The little one loved the dogs, tolerated being held by other family members, but broke down into hysterics when either of our moms tried to hold her and do some bonding.

It was pretty heart breaking, but at least it only lasted a few days. Luckily, sprout finally warmed up to everyone, probably realizing that those two women in particular were likely behind any good parenting decision the wife and I have made in the past few months. Funny though that a 6 month old can master torment and spite so young. Guess the pay back starts now.

Restaurant Fail

Most of my most memorable and miserable parenting memories revolve around travel, and this is no exception. On our return drive from another Tennessee trip to see family, we stopped in a little town called Dublin, VA. Normally, we stop a little closer, but everything within an hours drive of Bristol was booked because of NASCAR, but that's another topic for an entirely different type of blog.

Anyway, dining choices in Dublin are a bit limited, so we settled on Fatz Cafe for a splendid dinner. Here's where the fail begins, and luckily ends. The time changes as you drive through Tennessee to Virginia, and the little one's nap time changes with it. That would have been a good thing to note before heading out to dinner at the appointed evening nap time. Needless to say, our arrival at the restaurant was accompanied with infant yelps as she struggled to take in the ambiance before settling to sleep. Apparently, Fatz is visually stimulating as it took around 45 minutes for her to take it all in. Add to that her new found ability to reach and grab, and you have a wonderful wrestling match between a grown man and a whining, tired 6 month old. I new it was only a matter of time before something was spilled or launched from the table.

So, the sprout finally succumbed to the sleep monster, and as I pulled her blanket over the car seat to block the light, I knocked over the drink. Sweet tea everywhere; last shred of pride disappeared with the melting ice. So, she finally falls asleep just long enough for me to embarrass myself. Chalk this one up as another fail, but at least the waiter and surrounding customers were pleasant and at least pretended not to notice.